Monday, April 25, 2016


legislative - a law which has been publish by legislature
Impeachment - a formal process in which an official is accused of unlawful activity
amendment - a minor change in a document
attain - succeed in achieving
tempore - a Latin phrase which best translates to "for the time being" in English
affirmation - the action of process of affirming something
concurrence - the meeting of concurrent lines in a point
Indictment - a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime
adjourn - to suspend the meeting of a club, legislate, or committee to a future time
ascertain - make sure of
emolument - a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office
originate - have a specified begging
adjournment -  an act or period of adjourning
excises - a tax levied on certain goods and commodities produced or sold within a country and on license granted for certain activities   
bankruptcies - the state of being bankrupt
counterfeiting - imitate fraudulently
marque - a make of car, as distinct from a specific model
reprisal - an act of retaliation
Insurrection - a violent uprising against an authority or government
attainder - the forfeiture of land and civil rights suffered as a consequence of a sentence of death for treason of felony
revision - the action of revising
certify - confirm in a formal statement
senate - any of various legislative or governing bodies
vacancies - an unoccupied position or job
recess - a small space created by building part of a wall further back from the rest
judicial - appropriate
ordain - make someone a priest
supreme - of authority or an office
diminish - make or become less
levying - impose tax
corruption - dishonest
forfeiture - the loss of something as a penalty for wrongdoing
erect - rigidly straight
jurisdiction - the official way to make legal decisions and judgment
construed - interpret a word or action in a particular way
convened - assemble

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