Monday, April 4, 2016

Coat of Arms

Beckham - Hard working, Creative, Challenging
Jensen - Athletic, Wise, Honest
Lowy - Creative, Strict, Decent

Beckham - 2nd born: Crescent

Jensen - 1st born: Label

Lowy - 1st born: Label

Color and Meaning

Silver / White :  Sincerity, Peace, Innocence and Joy
Gold :  Glory, Faith and Wisdom
Black :  Wisdom and Grief
Green :  Joy, Loyalty, and hope  
Blue :  Loyalty, Strength, and Faithful
Red :  Military Strength, Warriors, and Power 
Purple :  Justice and Royalty
Maroon :  Victorious
Orange :  Ambition

      Silver                 Gold                 Black                Green                Blue                   Red               Purple
    Maroon           Orange
Day 2
Teacher and Qualities
Young - Friendly, Enthusiastic, Passionate
Fuller - Laid back, Calm, Playing
Emert - Responsible, Mature, Helpful
Young - 2nd born: Crescent
Fuller - 2nd born: Crescent

Emert - 1st born: Label

                                                    Shield divisions and lines meaning

                Defense                                          Protection                                      Rule & Authority

                Faith                                               Military Strips                             Military Strength 

                  Air                   Sun Radiation                   City                        Honor                     Fortitude
                                                    Water                                        County



 Stag symbolizes peace and                                            Apple symbolizes generosity, happiness,
 harmony and joy. A person                                            and joy. Fruits are a symbol of goodness
          of the policy,


Heart symbolizes person                                                    Naked Arm symbolizes industrious people
 telling the truth. It is a                                                               someone believe in hard work.
    symbol of charity.


Elephant Trunks symbolizes of great                              Sword symbolizes military honor. Its also a strength and stature life,                                                symbol of power.                                     
             happiness,  royalty.


The stag is symbolized of peace and harmony. The crescent means that she is the second born child. Young's traits are friendly, enthusiastic, and  passionate. Her shield is the color is orange which means ambition, white means peace and blue means joy. Since she is always joyful in math and she always wants peace when she is teaching it.
The heart symbolizes telling the truth. The label means that she is the first child. Lowy's traits are creative, strict, and decent. Her shield is the color purple which means royal, gold which means glory and green which means joy. Ms. Lowy mostly smiles but she is a hard worker.
The elephant trunks mean strength and stature, royalty, and ambition. Jensen is a label because he is a first born child. Jensen's traits are athletic, wise and honesty. His shield is blue which means strength, red which means power, and white for peace.
Sword symbolizes military power and stature. The label means she is first born child . Emert's traits are responsible, helpful and mature. Her shield colors are green which is joy, blue which means strength and white which means peace.
The naked arm symbolizes strength. The crescent means that he was a second born child. Beckham's traits are hardworking, challenging and helpful. The color on his shield are green which is strength, blue which is joy and white which means peace.                                                           



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